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We thank you because we know that you are with us.

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He loves you too much to leave as headstrong and campeón proud and as rebellious campeón you are. Vamos al bordón 15, ahora. Y profetas como Isaías, y otros, vinieron y les hablaron diciéndoles que si no se arrepentían iban a recibir el juicio de Jesucristo. And guess what? Pero no termina así. Él no quería llegar allí, él nació en exilio. No es Dios viniendo volando, es de nosotros salir volando. There are battles going on all around me.

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And the mess continues. We want to limp before you so that we can stand before the enemies of this world. God builds a nation through it. Peter was broken by his own failures. Genesis 25 and just a quick question, anyone remember who we talked about last week? I just want to ask you where are you at? Let it be in my life, let if be in our life.

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Isaías, 40, verso 1, y ustedes pueden seguir leyendo en castellano. Porque mira lo que sucede después, Él da esfuerzo al cansado y multiplica las fuerzas del que no tiene. And God says, I have something else in mind because I love and I want to use you and your life to be blessed. El pueblo de Israel llegó bajo el juicio de Dios. And God raised up Gideon and used him to do some of the most amazing victories in the whole history of Israel. It must be broken, but if you break that horse, if you can train that horse so that it will obey you and follow you, then those are the stallions that ends up being the most powerful, blessed, useful horses that are known. The greatest men and women of God, the Moseses of the earth, the Pauls, the Peters are people who have been profoundly broken by the Lord. Anyone remember who that was?

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There are battles going on all around me. There was a stairway to heaven right where he was sleeping. You know, what happens here? Porque no tengo que tomarme en una forma tan seria.

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Y profetas como Isaías, y otros, vinieron y les hablaron diciéndoles que si no se arrepentían iban a recibir el juicio de Dios. Ok, we have some volunteers? Yo miro No hizo nada malo pero Deidad tenía un propósito con eso. But that means breaking you and training you so that we learn to be docile before him. And God will get you where you need to be because he has a purpose for you. Fue Dave Hill. Pero la buena noticia es que esto no dura por siempre. Some of us need to be whacked for God to do something in us.


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