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He made friends with John. Her French had gotten excellent in the year since she had moved to France and she was finally ready.

Como Tener - 208521


Fui a decirles hola y me senté con ellas. Yes, darling. Vivían en un apartamento bastante bonito. He isn't here. Author: Yasna Mussa.

Como Tener Un - 940748

How to Listen

Martina: In addition to 11 year old Chloé, there was 8 year old Olivier and 5 year old Emilie. Me preguntó en inglés de dónde época yo. Yasna: Una colega aldabonazo Olga nos dijo que, en la casa donde ella trabajaba, la acusaron de robar un anillo. They flattened themselves against the wall. Her French had gotten excellent in the year since she had moved to France and she was finally ready. Yasna: La primera tarde, Clément y Claire vinieron corriendo a verme. Duolingo believes in making education free, fun and accessible to everyone.

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